Wednesday 5 December 2012

Dear me, that was a lot of bees, bugs and butterflies.

I’m coming to the end of my photographic archive of The Threadbare Bug Collection. Here are a couple of single shots of pieces that I didn’t get to document as well as the others.

Time pressure can play a huge role in whether or not I get to make a record of the work I have made. If a deadline is tight or I am working on several things at once I will generally only manage to get a quick shot of a piece before it goes out the door to its new home.

If I have made a bug or a bee for you along the way and you have been waiting patiently for his or her face to appear and it hasn’t by now, I’m afraid I didn’t get to photograph it before it went from my hands into yours.

If you would like to add your piece to this catalogue, I would love if you would send me a photograph and I will show it here with pride.

I’d love to see it displayed in its natural habitat or if you are a keen photographer, maybe a shot of your bug’s favoured side. I’d be delighted with anything you have to send me so don’t worry too much about how it turns out.

Thanks so much for tuning in for this part of my archive. I’ll be back tomorrow with something a little bit different but still kind of the same.

Please send any photographs to me at

P.S. I just thought I would add in these photos I took on my phone of a tiny blue bee I had made. They were quick and simple but had good light because I took them on the window sill in my kitchen. Something like this would be perfect. Thanks again!

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